вторник, 29 января 2013 г.

Универсальный банк Ренесcанс мощный проект на ниве онлайн кредитов

Этот банковский проект не нуждается в частой похвале – его договора открыты и публичны. Любой вкладчик банка сможет Кредит в банках наличными и удостовериться в этом, придя в отделение банка, а так же Ренесcанс предоставляет значительный спектр продуктов для обратившихся потенциальных клиентов, это и онлайн банкинг, и уведомления смс, и техническая служба клиентов с помощью круглосуточной тех службы сервиса. Также, с помощью банка Ренесcанс вы сможете заключить договор микрозайма через сайт, что значительно бережёт ваше время. Заявку можно оформить прямо на сайте банка. Написав свои данные и определив программы вы можете быть уверенным, что в ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер банка и расскажет вам, как принять нужный вам микрозайм. Размеры микрофинансирования банка Ренесcанс варьируются и доходят до 500 тысяч рублей. Процент приятно отличается от многих предлагаемых другими банками, плюс к этому существует возможность перерасчета годового процента на остаток денег, поэтому оформлять счет в этом банке еще и экономически хорошо. Хорошим ньюансом для клиента станет возможность получить кредит с без процентной ставкой по кредиту на период до 1,5 месяцев – для многих это станет особенным аргументом. Так как если вы оформляете кредит на маленький срок и ждёте принятия собственных финансовых потоков, которыми планируете погасить ссуду – не актуальные расходы вам совершенно ни к чему. Ваша кредитка банка будет выпущенна почти за несколько минут, а для оформления требуется лишь один документ. В дальнее прошлое ушли кличи поручителя, банк доверяет нужную денежную сумму именно вам, а маленький % сделает ваше сотрудничество удобным и комфортным. Да, и, обслуживание карты также будет без комиссий, что экономически лучше отделяет Банк Ренесcанс от многих других организаций, выдающих миникредиты. Здесь вы сможете сделать депозит под проценты, получить ипотечный кредит, открыть счет, сделать перевод в другую страну или город, в общем, банк распологает широким выбором услуг для любого потребителя. Контролировать свой счет возможно из любой точки мира, посредством сети Интернет вы сами настраиваете все движжения средств, не имеет значения, находитесь ли вы на море или в круизе. Возврат кредита возможно многими вариантами – это и банкоматы, и почтовые отделения вашего города и система Рапида, перечислением из какого угодно другого банка, а также через бухгалтерию по месту службы. Взаимодействие с банком Ренесcанс – комфортно и удобно в любой ситуации. Подготовлено сайтом http://kreditocenka.ru/

пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

Hypertension? How to Exercise to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension is a common problem. Unfortunately, medication can not cure hypertension but it can help you to control your blood pressure. But using medication is not long term solution. For most people, life style changes are needed. One of the easiest and healthiest changes is to exercise more. Lack of physical activity is often mentioned as one of the main causes of hypertension.

So why is exercise helpful? A simplified explanation is that regular physical activity will make your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less to pump, the force on your arteries decreases, lowering your blood pressure

The good news is that even light exercise can lower your blood pressure. But in order to reap the benefits you have to keep on exercising. The benefits last only as long as you continue to exercise. On the other hand, exercise has many additional health benefits and can also be fun. Note that it generally takes one to three months before regular exercise will have an impact.

Since exercise will increase your blood pressure you need to be careful. In some cases, your doctor may first want to lower your blood pressure using medication before you can start exercising. Always consult your doctor first before starting any exercise program.

Exercise can be divided into two categories, aerobic, sometimes also called dynamic, exercise and isometric, sometimes called static, exercise. As a rule of thumb, most aerobic exercises will help you lower your blood pressure. Most isometric exercises are less efficient than aerobic exercises. They can also put too much strain on your heart so many doctors recommend avoiding isometric training. If you are doing isometric training it should be light training.

Aerobic exercises increase the body's need for oxygen. Because blood delivers oxygen to the body, aerobic activity challenges the heart and circulatory system to meet this increased need. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, running, swimming and cycling. Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week. Try to avoid being a weekend warrior, doing just one or two long exercise sessions every week. Instead, try to exercise every day. Short sessions done frequently, preferably daily, is the way to get results. In the beginning, go for light exercise, you can increase the intensity later.

четверг, 24 января 2013 г.

Has Hypertension Treatment Been Hijacked Or Have We Abdicated Responsibility?

As hypertension sufferers, we can all recall the visit to the doctor's office at which we were told we had high blood pressure. For most of us, the treatment prescribed by our doctor was to take medication every day for the rest of our lives. Should we accept prescription medication as being the first step in treating our condition or should it be the last resort?

The pharmaceutical companies and most doctors think it is the first step in treating our condition. Almost like a reflex reaction, the first response our doctor has after determining that our BP reading is above the normal range is to reach for the prescription pad.

When do we have hypertension?

"Normal blood pressure" is generally accepted as being within a range of readings of up to 140 over 90. It can and does vary from person to person; and, even within ourselves our blood pressure can vary according to our circumstances at the time as well as several other factors.

It used to be considered normal for blood pressure to increase in line with our age. The old yardstick being that a healthy systolic pressure (the higher figure of the two numbers) could be up to 100 plus our age. Hypertension, being sustained readings above these levels, was usually treated with prescription medicines.

In recent years that bar seems to have been getting lower and lower. The effect of which is to categorise millions of people as having a condition that previously they did not have, resulting in many more millions of prescriptions for the products of the pharmaceutical companies. The general call now is to maintain our blood pressure at 120/80. Anything above these readings is regarded as potentially being hypertension and meriting medical intervention.

A new condition of "pre-hypertension" has been created. This is when our blood pressure is not yet high but it might develop into hypertension if preventative action is not taken. By which our doctor means medical intervention and the pharmaceutical industry sees as a need for a new product to help our doctor treat our "condition".

Taking hypertension medication is not without risk

All drugs have side effects. The side effects of hypertension medications can be as bad as or even worse than the condition they are meant to treat. Ironically, some drugs used to treat our hypertension actually increase the risk of us having a stroke, developing diabetes and of having hypotension, which can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure. Our doctor has to balance the risk with the benefits and there will always be those cases where the only appropriate treatment is with prescription medicines.

However, prescription drugs are not necessary if we are in the pre-hypertension stage or our blood pressure would previously have been considered normal for our age. There is a range of simple things we can do to maintain our blood pressure or reduce our hypertension naturally without taking drugs. These include:

  • Having a healthy diet;

  • Being more physically active; and

  • Losing weight.

Our society wants a pill for every ailment. In pursuing this goal, we have allowed the pharmaceutical industry to hijack the treatment of our hypertension and have abdicated our own responsibility to look after our health. Prescribing drugs to treat our hypertension should usually be the last resort.